Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I must hang these chaps on my daughter's wall ASAP. They are so very whimsical and sweet, reminding me of my favorite book my father read to us as children. Ahhh, The Wind and the Willows... "simply messing about in boats".

Obviously this owl is wise, but he is also very good at Sudoku. Logic + wisdom in one! He's quite a catch, ladies. 

This foxy fellow is a bit of an eccentric gardener. He whistles "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" to his carrots and tap-dances to entertain the corn. His neighbors know that if he is doing cartwheels in the pumpkin patch, it's going to be a bumper crop year.

This raccoon spends his days in a science lab experimenting with ways to convert garbage into an alternative fuel source. Occasionally he will indulge in a snack from his test pile.

I found these fellows on Berkley Illustration's etsy shop. He has every animal imaginable! I love the short bios written for each character!


  1. This made my day!! You are hilarious!!

  2. i love these! my girlies are obsessed with the fantastic mr. fox...so i'm thinking we need the fox, yes?

  3. I absolutely adore Wes Anderson! I am also thinking yes. You need the fox.
